Tobias Rüger Quartet

With his acoustic quartet TOBIAS RÜGER explores the musical possibilities of the most classic of jazz outfits. Traditional in set-up and modern in musical language it gives space for both spontaneous expression and improvisation as well as arranged compositional ideas. 

<— listen to “Interlude”

For his album “Interlude” TOBIAS RÜGER has taken on three outstanding musicians: 
DANIEL STELTER, guitar, is neither a Jazz, nor Pop nor Classical guitarist although his playing is borne out of all these styles without being eclectic. His playing is exceptionally gentle both in sound and harmony and thus provides a perfect link between melody and rhythm.
HANNS HÖHN, bass, is a member of numerous Jazz projects, in-cluding those of European jazz masters like ACK VAN ROYEN and THORSTEN DE WINKEL. His uncannily secure intonation allows him to apply his bass frequently for melodic purposes.
KAY LÜBKE, drums, has recorded with EFRAT ALONY and ERNST-LUDWIG PETROWSKY. He is an exceptional drummer in the sense that he makes the very most of the whole range of sounds and sound effects the drum-set has to offer. At the same time his playing is of rhythmical precision without ever regressing to mere time keeping.